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Spring Equinox, a moment of Balance

Spring Equinox, a moment of Balance – and a time to Spring forward, and to welcome back the light and the tree blossoms of hope. Nature is our teacher – nature does not need to be reminded to welcome back the light after the long dark days of winter, it simply moves forward, as we must all do during these uncertain times.

Light and dark. Sun and moon. Masculine and feminine. Bitter and Sweet. 

During these uncertain times, this is an opportunity to PAUSE, to take a step
back and reflect ~and this is a time for us to pull together, connect more with our inner self as well as to our friends, neighbors, community – and to humankind at large. Never in the history of time has it been more important to unite, and remember that we are in this TOGETHER.

This Equinox, take a minute to FEEL instead of think. Let go of the mind and tap Into your own guidance again. Feel into your life - what nourishes your soul and brings joy and hope?  Embrace the goodness of your life and embrace one of our favorite symbols, used in so many of our necklaces – the INFINITY.  In a world filled with distraction and complications, the infinity symbol represents a sense of simplicity and balance. It reminds us to be conscious of where we are and the endless possibilities we have before us. Love is never endingLove is a canvas furnished by nature and embroidered by imagination. Voltaire 


Love, having no geography, knows no boundaries. Truman Capote

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