SPRING EQUINOX 2024 ~ Aligning to your highest path
On Tuesday March 19th we will experience this years Spring Equinox.
In Ancient times, this was believed to be the actual start to the New Year. The energy that this Spring Equinox brings to us is rebirth, growth and alignment to your highest path. The Earth is coming alive again and the steps on the path have been laid out for us to journey on, and into the next chapter of life. The dark months of renewal and internal work are now over & we are moving into the warmth of the light and our new beginning.
This years Equinox also aligns with the energies of the Eclipse season. We will have a lunar eclipse on March 25th followed by a total Solar eclipse on April 8th. This is a potent period of time where we will all be guided onto our destined paths. Since the eclipses in the Fall of 2023, we have been going through a period of intense growth and re-assessment. All of the inner work that has been done, will now start to bear fruit. And this is because - this new path is in alignment with our true selves.
We are in the new Age of Aquarius - where the only way forward, the only way to flourish is to be your authentic self and this Spring Equinox is aligning you with this version of self. Stay open ~ say yes~ and take the leap into this fresh new start.
Many blessings to you all ~ with Love from Santa Fe